09/2024 Scheduling maintenance activities subject to stochastic job-dependent machine deterioration International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2024, Munich, Germany Link
04/2024 Single-machine scheduling with an external resource Research Seminar, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen/The Netherlands
02/2024 Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: A bottom-up Approach (Plenary) International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen, Germany
10/2023 Single-machine scheduling with an external resource Scheduling Seminar Link
09/2023 The pi-transportation problem: On the value of split transports for the Physical Internet concept International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2023, Hamburg, Germany Link
09/2023 Free-floating electric carsharing problem with partial charging International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2023, Hamburg, Germany Link
07/2023 Jam in the tunnel: On urban freight tunnels, their operational scheduling, and unused transport capacity TSL Conference 2023, Chicago, USA
07/2023 Vehicle sequencing at transshipment terminals with handover relations TSL Conference 2023, Chicago, USA
11/2022 Single-machine scheduling with an external resource Research Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11/2022 Maintenance Planning with Fixed Job Sequences Research Seminar, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
11/2022 Maintenance Planning with Fixed Job Sequences Bayer Business Services, Leverkusen/Germany
09/2022 Matching versus individual choice: How to counter regional imbalance of carsharing demand International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany Link
09/2022 Interval scheduling with resource availability and adjacency constraints International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany Link
07/2022 Anarchy in the UJ 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland
07/2022 The Parliament Seating Assignment Problem 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland
07/2022 Single-machine scheduling with an external resource 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland
05/2022 Anarchy in the UJ Annual Meeting 2022 of the Operations Research Society of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
05/2022 Scheduling of condition-based maintenance activities Annual Meeting 2022 of the Operations Research Society of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
04/2022 Parliament Seating Assignment Problems Joint ALIO/EURO International Conference 2021 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization 2022, Vina del Mar, Chile
04/2022 Anarchy in the UJ 18th Int'l Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Ghent, Belgium Link
04/2022 Scheduling Games Imperial College London, London/GB
03/2022 Anarchy in the UJ Research Seminar, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
01/2022 Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: An efficient algorithm for a subproblem as a working horse Research Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany
11/2021 The Parliament Seating Assignment Problem NORS Annual Conference 2021, Bergen, Norway
09/2021 Integrated scheduling of jobs and maintenance activities Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Schaan, Liechtenstein
09/2021 Interval scheduling with resource adjacency considerations International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2021, Bern, Switzerland Link
11/2020 Anarchy in the Uj: Coordination Mechanisms for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs Research Seminar, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
10/2020 Drone delivery from trucks: Drone scheduling for given truck routes, Jena/Wuppertal/Germany
03/2020 Anarchy in the Uj: Coordination Mechanisms for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Bochum, Germany
02/2020 Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: A bottom-up Approach Research Seminar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
02/2020 Anarchy in the Uj: Coordination Mechanisms for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Game Theory and Behavioral Management Science", Munich, Germany
11/2019 Automatisierte Entscheidungsunterstützung mit OR-Methoden Bayer Business Services, Leverkusen/Germany
09/2019 Simultaneous Planning for Disaster Road Clearance and Distribution of Relief Goods: A basic model and an exact solution method International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany Link
09/2019 The Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone Re-Supply International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany Link
09/2019 Twin-crane scheduling with a dedicated handshake area during seaside workload peaks International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany Link
09/2019 Wie kommen die Container auf's Schiff? Optimierter Einsatz von Portalkränen in Seehafenterminals Uni für alle 2019 - Forschertage für neugierige Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Wuppertal, Germany
06/2019 Simultaneous Planning for Disaster Road Clearance and Distribution of Relief Goods: A basic model and an exact solution method 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland Link
06/2019 The Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone Re-Supply 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland Link
05/2019 Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Logistik und Verkehr", Aachen, Germany
02/2019 Contiguous graph partitioning - who sits where? 33rd Annual Conference of the Belgium Operational Research Society 2019, Hasselt, Belgium Link
02/2019 Minimizing makespan on a single machine subject to modular setups 33rd Annual Conference of the Belgium Operational Research Society 2019, Hasselt, Belgium Link
02/2019 Minimizing makespan on a single machine subject to modular setups Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Aachen, Germany
09/2018 Simultaneous Planning for Disaster Road Clearance and Distribution of Relief Goods: A basic model and an exact solution method International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2018, Brussels, Belgium Link
09/2018 Contiguous graph partitioning - who sits where? International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2018, Brussels, Belgium Link
08/2018 Tower Crane Selection and Positioning Research Seminar, Jena University, Jena/Germany Link
06/2018 Tower Crane Selection and Positioning on Construction Sites ICCMSC 2018: International Conference on Construction Methods and Scheduling, Paris, France
04/2018 Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals 16th Int'l Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Rome, Italy Link
03/2018 Routing von Dronen in Truck-Dronen-Tandems Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Bonn, Germany
02/2018 Drone delivery from trucks: Drone scheduling for given truck routes 32nd Annual Conference of the Belgium Operational Research Society 2018, Liège, Belgium Link
09/2017 Assignment, Scheduling and Routing of Triple-Crossover-Cranes in Container Yards International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany Link
09/2017 Crane selection and location on construction sites International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany Link
09/2017 Carpool formation along high-occupancy vehicle lanes International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany Link
09/2017 Preventing Crane Interferences at Automated Container Terminals International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany Link
09/2017 Scheduling jobs and maintenance activities subject to job-dependent machine deteriorations International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany Link
08/2017 Scheduling of Crossover-Gantry Cranes 7th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, Bergen/Norway Link
06/2017 Container Dispatching and Conflict-Free Yard Crane Routing in an Automated Container Terminal 13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Seeon-Seebruck, Germany Link
06/2017 The Home-Away Pattern Set Feasibility Problem 13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Seeon-Seebruck, Germany Link
03/2017 Tower Crane Selection and Positioning on Construction Sites - Construction Management and Computational Geometry Technical Operations Research, Wenden, Germany
02/2017 Container Dispatching and Conflict-Free Yard Crane Routing in an Automated Container Terminal Research Seminar, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg/Germany
11/2016 Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016, Nashville/USA Link
08/2016 A shortest path algorithm for routing of triple crossover cranes International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2016, Hamburg, Germany Link
08/2016 Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2016, Hamburg, Germany Link
07/2016 Container Dispatching and Conflict-Free Yard Crane Routing in an Automated Container Terminal 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland
07/2016 A Test Suite for Scheduling Algorithms for Cranes in Transshipment Terminals 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland
03/2016 Ein Testdatengenerator für Verfahren zur Steuerung von Rail Mounted Gantries (und mehr) Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Neuss, Germany
02/2016 Ein Testdatengenerator für Verfahren zur Steuerung von Rail Mounted Gantries (und mehr) Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Logistik und Verkehr", Leverkusen, Germany
11/2015 Lot Sizing On Multiple Lines With A Single Setup Operator INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015, Philadelphia/USA Link
09/2015 Pricing Combinatorial Auctions by a Set of Linear Price Vectors International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria Link
09/2015 Auto-Carrier Transportation Problem with Pickup and Delivery Operations International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria Link
09/2015 Scheduling three co-operating stacking cranes with predetermined container sequences International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria Link
09/2015 A quasi-fixed Cyclic Production Scheme for the Synchronized and Integrated Two-Stage Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Stochastic Demand International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria Link
08/2015 A tabu search heuristic for the dynamic capacitated lotsizing problem with scarce setup resources International Workshop on Lot Sizing 2015, Montreal, Canada Link
07/2015 No-wait scheduling for locks 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland Link
07/2015 Mixed integer programming for emission and flow time reduction for locks in sequence 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland Link
06/2015 Locks, Graphs, and Intervals 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium Link
06/2015 Locks and emissions 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium Link
05/2015 Automatisierte Produktionsplanung im Mittelstand Siegener Mittelstandstagung 2015, Siegen, Germany
05/2015 DC Planning meets Operations Research: Automatisierte Planung ist machbar! G.I.B Success Days 2015, Siegen, Germany
05/2015 Locks, Graphs, and Intervals Research Seminar, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal/Germany
05/2015 Bribery under Partial Information EXPLORE-2015: The 2nd Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice, Istanbul/Turkey
04/2015 Locks, Graphs, and Intervals WOPL Seminar Series, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal/Germany
04/2015 Locks, Graphs, and Intervals Research Seminar, University of Osnabrück, Germany
03/2015 Auktionen - Optimierung und Design 25. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Schwerte Link
02/2015 Steuerung von Schleusen Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Lippstadt, Germany
11/2014 Integrated Scheduling of Jobs and Maintenance Activities INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco/USA Link
10/2014 Ablaufplanung: Aus dem Elfenbeinturm in die Praxis und zurück G.I.B.mbH Infotainment Event, Friedrichshafen/Germany
09/2014 A heuristic decomposition procedure for the twin robot scheduling problem on a line (with Nils Boysen und Simon Emde) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2014, Aachen/Germany
09/2014 Mathematical programming models for scheduling locks in sequence (with Ward Passchyn and Frits Spieksma) ALGO 2014, Wroclaw/Poland
09/2014 Two neighborhood search approaches for the dynamic capacitated lot sizing problem with scarce setup resources (with Sascha Duerkop and Horst Tempelmeier) International Workshop on Lot Sizing 2014, Porto/Portugal
09/2014 Ablaufplanung: Aus dem Elfenbeinturm in die Praxis und zurück G.I.B.mbH Infotainment Event, Bottrop/Germany
08/2014 Ablaufplanung: Aus dem Elfenbeinturm in die Praxis und zurück G.I.B.mbH Infotainment Event, Eltville am Rhein/Germany
07/2014 Neue Ansätze zur Planung von Wartungsaktivitäten und Rüstvorgängen Camelot Days, Mannheim/Germany
07/2014 Scheduling Set-Up Operations in a Multi-Machine Environment when only One Set-Up Operator is Present (with Daniel Schnitzler) IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spanien
07/2014 A Quasi-fixed Cyclic Production Scheme for a Multi-Item Production System with Stochastic Demand (with Philipp Zeise) IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spanien
05/2014 Kooperation mit Erfolgsaussicht: Wie Forschung, Lehre und Wirtschaft voneinander profitieren können G.I.B Success Days 2014, Siegen, Germany
02/2014 A Branch & Price Approach for Stable Workforce Assignments Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Augsburg, Germany
01/2014 Mitarbeiterbefragung 2013 - Heinrichs GmbH Heinrichs GmbH, Lennestadt, Germany
12/2013 Pricing Combinatorial Auctions by a Set of Linear Price Vectors Research Seminar, University of Hamburg, Germany
11/2013 Pricing Combinatorial Auctions by a Set of Linear Price Vectors Research Seminar, University of Augsburg, Germany
10/2013 Geringe Datenqualität in der Produktionsplanung: erhöhte Lagerbestände, erhöhte Durchlaufzeit, geringere Lieferfähigkeit IHK Siegen, Germany
10/2013 Imageanalyse - St. Marien-Krankenhaus Siegen gem. GmbH St. Marien-Krankenhaus Siegen, Germany
09/2013 Methods for lock scheduling with ship-dependent handling times (with Ward Passchyn, Sofie Coene, and Frits Spieksma) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Link
09/2013 The berth allocation problem with mobile quay walls (with Nils Boysen and Simon Emde) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Link
09/2013 Determining Product Frequencies and Produce-Up-To Levels in a Single Facility Multi-Item Production System with Stochastic Demands (with Philipp Zeise) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Link
09/2013 Scheduling Setups on Multiple Machines with a Single Setup Operator (with Daniel Schnitzler) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Link
09/2013 An efficient algorithm for scheduling groups of jobs with individual release dates (with Alexander Lieder and Raik Stolletz) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Link
06/2013 A two-level optical FTTH network design problem (with Murat Firat, Stanislas Francfort and Alexandre Laugier) 11th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Pont à Mousson, France Link
02/2013 The lockmaster's problem Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling"/Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research des VHB, Wuppertal, Germany
01/2013 A pricing scheme for combinatorial auctions based on bundle sizes Supply Chain Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany
11/2012 Deciding priority of rail mounted gantries when transport job sequences are given ORSTAT, Faculty of Business and Economics, KU Leuven, Leuven/Belgium
10/2012 Deciding priority of rail mounted gantries when transport job sequences are given Workshop "New challenges on scheduling theory", Frejus/France Link
10/2012 Exact Algorithms for Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine (with Florian Jaehn) Workshop "New challenges on scheduling theory", Frejus/France Link
09/2012 Extended Production Policies based on Cyclic Patterns (with Philipp Zeise) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2012, Hannover, Germany Link
07/2012 Integrated planning of jobs and maintenance activities on a single machine 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania Link
07/2012 Packing chained items into bins with applications to container handling and project scheduling (with Malte Fliedner) 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania Link
07/2012 A dynamic programming approach to the aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes (with Alexander Lieder and Raik Stolletz) 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania Link
02/2012 Scheduling co-operating stacking cranes with predetermined container sequences International Centre for Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China Link
02/2012 Planung flexibler Instandhaltungsaktivitäten Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling"/Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research des VHB, Leverkusen, Germany
01/2012 Vorfahrtsregelung für Automated Stacking Cranes Supply Chain Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany
11/2011 Minimizing Maximum Lateness Subject to Maintenance Activites INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte/USA Link
10/2011 Scheduling von kooperierenden Container-Kränen INFORM GmbH, Aachen, Germany
09/2011 A dynamic programming approach to the aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes (with Alexander Lieder and Raik Stolletz) International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2011, Zürich, Switzerland Link
06/2011 The train positioning problem 10th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Nymburk, Czech Republic Link
04/2011 A graphical model for scheduling automated stacking cranes with predetermined container sequences The Future Of Automated Container Terminals 2011, London, GB Link
11/2010 Minimizing the Total Weighted Flow Time in Container Scheduling INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, USA Link
11/2010 Sequencing aircraft landings under consideration of aircraft classes INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, USA Link
09/2010 The aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes Workshop "New challenges on scheduling theory", Frejus/France Link
09/2010 IP models for the scheduling of flexible maintenance activities on a single machine International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2010, München Link
07/2010 Scheduling flexible maintenance actitivies on a single machine 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal Link
07/2010 Scheduling of aircraft landings using aircraft classes (with Raik Stolletz) 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal Link
05/2010 Sequencing aircraft landings under consideration of aircraft classes KARS Aviation Workshop 2010, Cologne, Germany
05/2010 A new Machine Scheduling Model for Maintenance Scheduling Supply Chain Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany
01/2010 New Scheduling Models with Applications in Logistics and Operations Management Imperial College, London, UK Link
11/2009 Scheduling Problems at Transshipment Terminals and Evolutionary Solution Techniques Technische Universität München, München, Germany Link
11/2009 Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine: Complexity and Appropriate Representation Schemes Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal, Germany Link Abstract
10/2009 An Evolutionary Algorithm for Machine Scheduling subject to Inventory Constraints INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, USA Link Abstract
10/2009 Container Scheduling Problem (with Kangbok Lee, Byung-Cheon Choi, Michael Pinedo, Joseph Leung) INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, USA Link
09/2009 New Machine Scheduling Models with Applications in Logistics Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark Link Abstract
07/2009 Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine and Metaheuristic Solution Approaches Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany Link
07/2009 A Genetic Algorithm for Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany Link Abstract
06/2009 Single machine scheduling with regard to inventory constraints 9th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Abbey Rolduc, The Netherlands Link Abstract
06/2009 An exact method for Scheduling Real World Sports Leagues (with Andrei Horbach) 9th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Abbey Rolduc, The Netherlands Link
06/2009 Optimierungsprozesse in der Automobilindustrie Auto Uni Wolfsburg Link Abstract
10/2008 Time Buffer Allocation in Machine Scheduling INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington DC, USA Link Abstract
10/2008 Robustness in Machine Scheduling through Optimal Buffer Time Allocation Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA Link Abstract
08/2008 Fairness in Round Robin Tournaments The 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling 2008, Montréal, Canada Link Abstract
04/2008 Some Open Problems and Some Not So Open Problems in Sports Leagues Scheduling Stern School, New York University Link Abstract
03/2008 Robustes Maschinenscheduling 18. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Nördlingen Link
11/2007 A Branching Scheme Fixing Breaks First INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007, Seattle, USA Link
11/2007 Scheduling Sports Leagues by Branching According to Feasible Home-Away-Pattern Sets Stern School, New York University Link Abstract
09/2007 Valid Inequalities for Minimum Cost RRT Models International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2007, Saarbrücken Link Abstract
07/2007 Constructing Fair Sports Leagues Schedules 8th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Istanbul, Turkey Link Abstract
07/2007 Fairness in Tournaments Based on Strength Groups 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, Czech Republic Link Abstract
05/2007 Sports Leagues Scheduling - Models, Combinatorial Properties, and Optimization Algorithms Verteidigung der Dissertation, Universität zu Kiel --- Folien
03/2007 Fairness durch Spielstärkegruppen 17. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Jena Link Abstract
09/2006 Employing Home-Away-Assignments in Branching Frameworks International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2006, Karlsruhe Link Abstract
08/2006 Scheduling Sport Leagues using Branch & Price The 6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling 2006, Brno, Czech Republic Link Abstract
06/2006 Priorisierung von Container-Brücken mittels AGV-Mindestanzahlen: Konzept und Bewertung Container Terminal Altenwerder, Hamburg
05/2006 Round Robin Tournaments and Three Index Assignment Workshop "Scheduling Algorithms for new Emerging Applications", Marseille, France Link Abstract
05/2006 Sportligaplanung: Modelle, Komplexität und offene Fragen "Modellierung im Interdisziplinären Studien-Programm", Universität Kaiserslautern, 08.05.2006 Link Abstract
03/2006 Heim-Auswärts-Muster von Ligaspielplänen 16. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Moritzburg Link Abstract
09/2005 Container transport scheduling based on inventory management ideas International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2005, Bremen Link Abstract
05/2005 AGV-Scheduling mit Lagerhaltungsprinzipien Container Terminal Altenwerder, Hamburg
03/2005 Scheduling im Container-Terminal - Container-Transport ohne Zeitvorgaben 15. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Grainau Link