09/2024 |
Scheduling maintenance activities subject to stochastic job-dependent machine deterioration |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2024, Munich, Germany |
Link |
04/2024 |
Single-machine scheduling with an external resource |
Research Seminar, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen/The Netherlands |
02/2024 |
Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: A bottom-up Approach (Plenary) |
International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen, Germany |
10/2023 |
Single-machine scheduling with an external resource |
Scheduling Seminar |
Link |
09/2023 |
The pi-transportation problem: On the value of split transports for the Physical Internet concept |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2023, Hamburg, Germany |
Link |
09/2023 |
Free-floating electric carsharing problem with partial charging |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2023, Hamburg, Germany |
Link |
07/2023 |
Jam in the tunnel: On urban freight tunnels, their operational scheduling, and unused transport capacity |
TSL Conference 2023, Chicago, USA |
07/2023 |
Vehicle sequencing at transshipment terminals with handover relations |
TSL Conference 2023, Chicago, USA |
11/2022 |
Single-machine scheduling with an external resource |
Research Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
11/2022 |
Maintenance Planning with Fixed Job Sequences |
Research Seminar, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany |
11/2022 |
Maintenance Planning with Fixed Job Sequences |
Bayer Business Services, Leverkusen/Germany |
09/2022 |
Matching versus individual choice: How to counter regional imbalance of carsharing demand |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany |
Link |
09/2022 |
Interval scheduling with resource availability and adjacency constraints |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany |
Link |
07/2022 |
Anarchy in the UJ |
32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland |
07/2022 |
The Parliament Seating Assignment Problem |
32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland |
07/2022 |
Single-machine scheduling with an external resource |
32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland |
05/2022 |
Anarchy in the UJ |
Annual Meeting 2022 of the Operations Research Society of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel |
05/2022 |
Scheduling of condition-based maintenance activities |
Annual Meeting 2022 of the Operations Research Society of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel |
04/2022 |
Parliament Seating Assignment Problems |
Joint ALIO/EURO International Conference 2021 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization 2022, Vina del Mar, Chile |
04/2022 |
Anarchy in the UJ |
18th Int'l Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Ghent, Belgium |
Link |
04/2022 |
Scheduling Games |
Imperial College London, London/GB |
03/2022 |
Anarchy in the UJ |
Research Seminar, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany |
01/2022 |
Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: An efficient algorithm for a subproblem as a working horse |
Research Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany |
11/2021 |
The Parliament Seating Assignment Problem |
NORS Annual Conference 2021, Bergen, Norway |
09/2021 |
Integrated scheduling of jobs and maintenance activities |
Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Schaan, Liechtenstein |
09/2021 |
Interval scheduling with resource adjacency considerations |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2021, Bern, Switzerland |
Link |
11/2020 |
Anarchy in the Uj: Coordination Mechanisms for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs |
Research Seminar, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany |
10/2020 |
Drone delivery from trucks: Drone scheduling for given truck routes |
ORConf.net, Jena/Wuppertal/Germany
03/2020 |
Anarchy in the Uj: Coordination Mechanisms for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs |
Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Bochum, Germany |
02/2020 |
Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: A bottom-up Approach |
Research Seminar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany |
02/2020 |
Anarchy in the Uj: Coordination Mechanisms for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs |
Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Game Theory and Behavioral Management Science", Munich, Germany |
11/2019 |
Automatisierte Entscheidungsunterstützung mit OR-Methoden |
Bayer Business Services, Leverkusen/Germany |
09/2019 |
Simultaneous Planning for Disaster Road Clearance and Distribution of Relief Goods: A basic model and an exact solution method |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany |
Link |
09/2019 |
The Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone Re-Supply |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany |
Link |
09/2019 |
Twin-crane scheduling with a dedicated handshake area during seaside workload peaks |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany |
Link |
09/2019 |
Wie kommen die Container auf's Schiff? Optimierter Einsatz von Portalkränen in Seehafenterminals |
Uni für alle 2019 - Forschertage für neugierige Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Wuppertal, Germany |
06/2019 |
Simultaneous Planning for Disaster Road Clearance and Distribution of Relief Goods: A basic model and an exact solution method |
30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland |
Link |
06/2019 |
The Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone Re-Supply |
30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland |
Link |
05/2019 |
Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals |
Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Logistik und Verkehr", Aachen, Germany |
02/2019 |
Contiguous graph partitioning - who sits where? |
33rd Annual Conference of the Belgium Operational Research Society 2019, Hasselt, Belgium |
Link |
02/2019 |
Minimizing makespan on a single machine subject to modular setups |
33rd Annual Conference of the Belgium Operational Research Society 2019, Hasselt, Belgium |
Link |
02/2019 |
Minimizing makespan on a single machine subject to modular setups |
Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Aachen, Germany |
09/2018 |
Simultaneous Planning for Disaster Road Clearance and Distribution of Relief Goods: A basic model and an exact solution method |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2018, Brussels, Belgium |
Link |
09/2018 |
Contiguous graph partitioning - who sits where? |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2018, Brussels, Belgium |
Link |
08/2018 |
Tower Crane Selection and Positioning |
Research Seminar, Jena University, Jena/Germany |
Link |
06/2018 |
Tower Crane Selection and Positioning on Construction Sites |
ICCMSC 2018: International Conference on Construction Methods and Scheduling, Paris, France |
04/2018 |
Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals |
16th Int'l Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Rome, Italy |
Link |
03/2018 |
Routing von Dronen in Truck-Dronen-Tandems |
Workshop of GOR Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Bonn, Germany |
02/2018 |
Drone delivery from trucks: Drone scheduling for given truck routes |
32nd Annual Conference of the Belgium Operational Research Society 2018, Liège, Belgium |
Link |
09/2017 |
Assignment, Scheduling and Routing of Triple-Crossover-Cranes in Container Yards |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany |
Link |
09/2017 |
Crane selection and location on construction sites |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany |
Link |
09/2017 |
Carpool formation along high-occupancy vehicle lanes |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany |
Link |
09/2017 |
Preventing Crane Interferences at Automated Container Terminals |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany |
Link |
09/2017 |
Scheduling jobs and maintenance activities subject to job-dependent machine deteriorations |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Germany |
Link |
08/2017 |
Scheduling of Crossover-Gantry Cranes |
7th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, Bergen/Norway |
Link |
06/2017 |
Container Dispatching and Conflict-Free Yard Crane Routing in an Automated Container Terminal |
13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Seeon-Seebruck, Germany |
Link |
06/2017 |
The Home-Away Pattern Set Feasibility Problem |
13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Seeon-Seebruck, Germany |
Link |
03/2017 |
Tower Crane Selection and Positioning on Construction Sites - Construction Management and Computational Geometry |
Technical Operations Research, Wenden, Germany |
02/2017 |
Container Dispatching and Conflict-Free Yard Crane Routing in an Automated Container Terminal |
Research Seminar, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg/Germany |
11/2016 |
Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016, Nashville/USA |
Link |
08/2016 |
A shortest path algorithm for routing of triple crossover cranes |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2016, Hamburg, Germany |
Link |
08/2016 |
Scheduling of Vehicles with Handover Relations at Transshipment Terminals |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2016, Hamburg, Germany |
Link |
07/2016 |
Container Dispatching and Conflict-Free Yard Crane Routing in an Automated Container Terminal |
28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland |
07/2016 |
A Test Suite for Scheduling Algorithms for Cranes in Transshipment Terminals |
28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland |
03/2016 |
Ein Testdatengenerator für Verfahren zur Steuerung von Rail Mounted Gantries (und mehr) |
Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Neuss, Germany |
02/2016 |
Ein Testdatengenerator für Verfahren zur Steuerung von Rail Mounted Gantries (und mehr) |
Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Logistik und Verkehr", Leverkusen, Germany |
11/2015 |
Lot Sizing On Multiple Lines With A Single Setup Operator |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015, Philadelphia/USA |
Link |
09/2015 |
Pricing Combinatorial Auctions by a Set of Linear Price Vectors |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria |
Link |
09/2015 |
Auto-Carrier Transportation Problem with Pickup and Delivery Operations |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria |
Link |
09/2015 |
Scheduling three co-operating stacking cranes with predetermined container sequences |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria |
Link |
09/2015 |
A quasi-fixed Cyclic Production Scheme for the Synchronized and Integrated Two-Stage Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Stochastic Demand |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2015, Vienna, Austria |
Link |
08/2015 |
A tabu search heuristic for the dynamic capacitated lotsizing problem
with scarce setup resources |
International Workshop on Lot Sizing 2015, Montreal, Canada |
Link |
07/2015 |
No-wait scheduling for locks |
27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland |
Link |
07/2015 |
Mixed integer programming for emission and flow time reduction for locks in sequence |
27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Scotland |
Link |
06/2015 |
Locks, Graphs, and Intervals |
12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium |
Link |
06/2015 |
Locks and emissions |
12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium |
Link |
05/2015 |
Automatisierte Produktionsplanung im Mittelstand |
Siegener Mittelstandstagung 2015, Siegen, Germany |
05/2015 |
DC Planning meets Operations Research: Automatisierte Planung ist machbar! |
G.I.B Success Days 2015, Siegen, Germany |
05/2015 |
Locks, Graphs, and Intervals |
Research Seminar, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal/Germany |
05/2015 |
Bribery under Partial Information |
EXPLORE-2015: The 2nd Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice, Istanbul/Turkey |
04/2015 |
Locks, Graphs, and Intervals |
WOPL Seminar Series, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal/Germany |
04/2015 |
Locks, Graphs, and Intervals |
Research Seminar, University of Osnabrück, Germany |
03/2015 |
Auktionen - Optimierung und Design |
25. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Schwerte |
Link |
02/2015 |
Steuerung von Schleusen |
Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Lippstadt, Germany |
11/2014 |
Integrated Scheduling of Jobs and Maintenance Activities |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco/USA |
Link |
10/2014 |
Ablaufplanung: Aus dem Elfenbeinturm in die Praxis und zurück |
G.I.B.mbH Infotainment Event, Friedrichshafen/Germany |
09/2014 |
A heuristic decomposition procedure for the twin robot scheduling problem on a line (with Nils Boysen und Simon Emde) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2014, Aachen/Germany |
09/2014 |
Mathematical programming models for scheduling locks in sequence (with Ward Passchyn and Frits Spieksma) |
ALGO 2014, Wroclaw/Poland |
09/2014 |
Two neighborhood search approaches for the dynamic capacitated lot sizing problem with scarce setup resources (with Sascha Duerkop and Horst Tempelmeier) |
International Workshop on Lot Sizing 2014, Porto/Portugal |
09/2014 |
Ablaufplanung: Aus dem Elfenbeinturm in die Praxis und zurück |
G.I.B.mbH Infotainment Event, Bottrop/Germany |
08/2014 |
Ablaufplanung: Aus dem Elfenbeinturm in die Praxis und zurück |
G.I.B.mbH Infotainment Event, Eltville am Rhein/Germany |
07/2014 |
Neue Ansätze zur Planung von Wartungsaktivitäten und Rüstvorgängen |
Camelot Days, Mannheim/Germany |
07/2014 |
Scheduling Set-Up Operations in a Multi-Machine Environment when only One Set-Up Operator is Present (with Daniel Schnitzler) |
IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spanien |
07/2014 |
A Quasi-fixed Cyclic Production Scheme for a Multi-Item Production System with Stochastic Demand (with Philipp Zeise) |
IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spanien |
05/2014 |
Kooperation mit Erfolgsaussicht: Wie Forschung, Lehre und Wirtschaft
voneinander profitieren können |
G.I.B Success Days 2014, Siegen, Germany |
02/2014 |
A Branch & Price Approach for Stable Workforce Assignments |
Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling", Augsburg, Germany |
01/2014 |
Mitarbeiterbefragung 2013 - Heinrichs GmbH |
Heinrichs GmbH, Lennestadt, Germany |
12/2013 |
Pricing Combinatorial Auctions by a Set of Linear Price Vectors |
Research Seminar, University of Hamburg, Germany |
11/2013 |
Pricing Combinatorial Auctions by a Set of Linear Price Vectors |
Research Seminar, University of Augsburg, Germany |
10/2013 |
Geringe Datenqualität in der Produktionsplanung: erhöhte Lagerbestände, erhöhte Durchlaufzeit, geringere Lieferfähigkeit |
IHK Siegen, Germany |
10/2013 |
Imageanalyse - St. Marien-Krankenhaus Siegen gem. GmbH |
St. Marien-Krankenhaus Siegen, Germany |
09/2013 |
Methods for lock scheduling with ship-dependent handling times (with Ward Passchyn, Sofie Coene, and Frits Spieksma) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Link |
09/2013 |
The berth allocation problem with mobile quay walls (with Nils Boysen and Simon Emde) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Link |
09/2013 |
Determining Product Frequencies and Produce-Up-To Levels in a Single Facility Multi-Item Production System with Stochastic Demands (with Philipp Zeise) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Link |
09/2013 |
Scheduling Setups on Multiple Machines with a Single Setup Operator (with Daniel Schnitzler) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Link |
09/2013 |
An efficient algorithm for scheduling groups of jobs with individual release dates (with Alexander Lieder and Raik Stolletz) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Link |
06/2013 |
A two-level optical FTTH network design problem (with Murat Firat, Stanislas Francfort and Alexandre Laugier) |
11th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Pont à Mousson, France |
Link |
02/2013 |
The lockmaster's problem |
Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling"/Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research des VHB, Wuppertal, Germany |
01/2013 |
A pricing scheme for combinatorial auctions based on bundle sizes |
Supply Chain Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany |
11/2012 |
Deciding priority of rail mounted gantries when transport job sequences are given |
ORSTAT, Faculty of Business and Economics, KU Leuven, Leuven/Belgium |
10/2012 |
Deciding priority of rail mounted gantries when transport job sequences are given |
Workshop "New challenges on scheduling theory", Frejus/France |
Link |
10/2012 |
Exact Algorithms for Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine (with Florian Jaehn) |
Workshop "New challenges on scheduling theory", Frejus/France |
Link |
09/2012 |
Extended Production Policies based on Cyclic Patterns (with Philipp Zeise) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2012, Hannover, Germany |
Link |
07/2012 |
Integrated planning of jobs and maintenance activities on a single machine |
25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Link |
07/2012 |
Packing chained items into bins with applications to container handling and project scheduling (with Malte Fliedner) |
25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Link |
07/2012 |
A dynamic programming approach to the aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes (with Alexander Lieder and Raik Stolletz) |
25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Link |
02/2012 |
Scheduling co-operating stacking cranes with predetermined container sequences |
International Centre for Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China |
Link |
02/2012 |
Planung flexibler Instandhaltungsaktivitäten |
Tagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Projektmanagement und Scheduling"/Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research des VHB, Leverkusen, Germany |
01/2012 |
Vorfahrtsregelung für Automated Stacking Cranes |
Supply Chain Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany |
11/2011 |
Minimizing Maximum Lateness Subject to Maintenance Activites |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte/USA |
Link |
10/2011 |
Scheduling von kooperierenden Container-Kränen |
INFORM GmbH, Aachen, Germany |
09/2011 |
A dynamic programming approach to the aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes (with Alexander Lieder and Raik Stolletz) |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2011, Zürich, Switzerland |
Link |
06/2011 |
The train positioning problem |
10th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Nymburk, Czech Republic |
Link |
04/2011 |
A graphical model for scheduling automated stacking cranes with predetermined container sequences |
The Future Of Automated Container Terminals 2011, London, GB |
Link |
11/2010 |
Minimizing the Total Weighted Flow Time in Container Scheduling |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, USA |
Link |
11/2010 |
Sequencing aircraft landings under consideration of aircraft classes |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, USA |
Link |
09/2010 |
The aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes |
Workshop "New challenges on scheduling theory", Frejus/France |
Link |
09/2010 |
IP models for the scheduling of flexible maintenance activities on a single machine |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2010, München |
Link |
07/2010 |
Scheduling flexible maintenance actitivies on a single machine |
24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal |
Link |
07/2010 |
Scheduling of aircraft landings using aircraft classes (with Raik Stolletz) |
24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal |
Link |
05/2010 |
Sequencing aircraft landings under consideration of aircraft classes |
KARS Aviation Workshop 2010, Cologne, Germany |
05/2010 |
A new Machine Scheduling Model for Maintenance Scheduling |
Supply Chain Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany |
01/2010 |
New Scheduling Models with Applications in Logistics and Operations Management |
Imperial College, London, UK |
Link |
11/2009 |
Scheduling Problems at Transshipment Terminals and Evolutionary Solution Techniques |
Technische Universität München, München, Germany |
Link |
11/2009 |
Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine: Complexity and Appropriate Representation Schemes |
Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal, Germany |
Link |
Abstract |
10/2009 |
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Machine Scheduling subject to Inventory Constraints |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, USA |
Link |
Abstract |
10/2009 |
Container Scheduling Problem (with Kangbok Lee, Byung-Cheon Choi, Michael Pinedo, Joseph Leung) |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, USA |
Link |
09/2009 |
New Machine Scheduling Models with Applications in Logistics |
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Link |
Abstract |
07/2009 |
Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine and Metaheuristic Solution Approaches |
Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany |
Link |
07/2009 |
A Genetic Algorithm for Inventory Constrained Scheduling on a Single Machine |
23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany |
Link |
Abstract |
06/2009 |
Single machine scheduling with regard to inventory constraints |
9th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Abbey Rolduc, The Netherlands |
Link |
Abstract |
06/2009 |
An exact method for Scheduling Real World Sports Leagues (with Andrei Horbach) |
9th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Abbey Rolduc, The Netherlands |
Link |
06/2009 |
Optimierungsprozesse in der Automobilindustrie |
Auto Uni Wolfsburg |
Link |
Abstract |
10/2008 |
Time Buffer Allocation in Machine Scheduling |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington DC, USA |
Link |
Abstract |
10/2008 |
Robustness in Machine Scheduling through Optimal Buffer Time Allocation |
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA |
Link |
Abstract |
08/2008 |
Fairness in Round Robin Tournaments |
The 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling 2008, Montréal, Canada |
Link |
Abstract |
04/2008 |
Some Open Problems and Some Not So Open Problems in Sports Leagues Scheduling |
Stern School, New York University |
Link |
Abstract |
03/2008 |
Robustes Maschinenscheduling |
18. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Nördlingen |
Link |
11/2007 |
A Branching Scheme Fixing Breaks First |
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007, Seattle, USA |
Link |
11/2007 |
Scheduling Sports Leagues by Branching According to Feasible Home-Away-Pattern Sets |
Stern School, New York University |
Link |
Abstract |
09/2007 |
Valid Inequalities for Minimum Cost RRT Models |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2007, Saarbrücken |
Link |
Abstract |
07/2007 |
Constructing Fair Sports Leagues Schedules |
8th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Istanbul, Turkey |
Link |
Abstract |
07/2007 |
Fairness in Tournaments Based on Strength Groups |
22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, Czech Republic |
Link |
Abstract |
05/2007 |
Sports Leagues Scheduling - Models, Combinatorial Properties, and Optimization Algorithms |
Verteidigung der Dissertation, Universität zu Kiel |
--- |
Folien |
03/2007 |
Fairness durch Spielstärkegruppen |
17. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Jena |
Link |
Abstract |
09/2006 |
Employing Home-Away-Assignments in Branching Frameworks |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2006, Karlsruhe |
Link |
Abstract |
08/2006 |
Scheduling Sport Leagues using Branch & Price |
The 6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling 2006, Brno, Czech Republic |
Link |
Abstract |
06/2006 |
Priorisierung von Container-Brücken mittels AGV-Mindestanzahlen: Konzept und Bewertung |
Container Terminal Altenwerder, Hamburg |
05/2006 |
Round Robin Tournaments and Three Index Assignment |
Workshop "Scheduling Algorithms for new Emerging Applications", Marseille, France |
Link |
Abstract |
05/2006 |
Sportligaplanung: Modelle, Komplexität und offene Fragen |
"Modellierung im Interdisziplinären Studien-Programm", Universität Kaiserslautern, 08.05.2006 |
Link |
Abstract |
03/2006 |
Heim-Auswärts-Muster von Ligaspielplänen |
16. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Moritzburg |
Link |
Abstract |
09/2005 |
Container transport scheduling based on inventory management ideas |
International Scientific Annual Conference Operations Research 2005, Bremen |
Link |
Abstract |
05/2005 |
AGV-Scheduling mit Lagerhaltungsprinzipien |
Container Terminal Altenwerder, Hamburg |
03/2005 |
Scheduling im Container-Terminal - Container-Transport ohne Zeitvorgaben |
15. Workshop für Quantitative BWL, Grainau |
Link |